How to Leverage Your Articles

You’ve done it! You finished writing your first article and it’s great, if you do say so yourself. Now you need to leverage your article; put it to good use.

You could start by submitting the article to EzineArticles as this is the biggest, most influential article directory. You’ll stand a better chance of getting traffic because of their traffic ranking. In fact, you’re more likely to find your article appearing higher in the search engines on EzineArticle’s website than from your own.

However, article directories are not as popular these days since most of them suffered at the hand of Google… they got slapped! HubPages, Buzzle, and other free blog platforms are also an option in lieu of article directories as you find venues to leverage your articles.

Your next best option to gain readership is to submit your excellent, original article as a guest blog post. ReadHow to Grow Your Audience as a Guest Blogger” before you proceed with this strategy.

So … is that it? Are you done with it? Not by a long shot.

Here Are a Few Ways to Leverage Your Articles

Like I said, don’t let all that hard work go to waste. Use your article again and again to squeeze the most out of it. In other words, leverage your articles. Here are some ideas to help you out:

Leverage Your Articles You can do a little rewrite (make sure to change the title) and post it to your blog.

Leverage Your Articles You can send it to your subscribers in an email. Keep in mind this works better if the article is shorter rather than longer.

Leverage Your Articles Alternatively, instead of sending your subscribers the entire article, you excerpt just enough to elicit interest then have them click a link that will take them to the post on your blog where they can read the article in its entirety.

Once on your blog they might take further action such as commenting on your post, clicking on your AdSense, or perhaps buy one of your products.

Leverage Your Articles Post it on a forum in your niche. This will also help to brand you as an expert as well as being seen as a helpful marketer.

Leverage Your Articles Split your article into chunks to create an eCourse. You can easily add more detail to each section and end up with a 3-5 part eCourse.

Leverage Your Articles Turn your article into a video and use it as a promotional tool if you have a related product to sell.

Leverage Your Articles When you’ve written several great articles on the same subject, bundle them together to create a report or eBook. You can then give it away, sell, enter in a giveaway, add to another product as a bonus, etc.


These are only a handful of suggestions on how you can leverage your articles. Each and every time you write an article, use it as many ways as you can and you’ll find you won’t need to write quite as many new ones, or, at least, you’ll have some breathing room before you need to write the next one.

Now, do you have any ideas? I’d love to hear them …


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